Saturday, September 21, 2002

Stomach ache

When we got home from Jessa's Grandma's, there was a voicemail on the machine from Erika asking if I wanted to come over. I don't really know what my response would have been - am I going to be in trouble if I don't put in the time with these friends? But the truth is I really wasn't feeling it. She seemed let down though when I called back to decline and I almost reconsidered, so I may just go along in the long run...

At least I had a good excuse. "Grandma" had made a roast for dinner, with potatoes and tons of sides, and I must have stuffed myself too much because now I feel really gross. I don't know if there's something weird with Jessa's digestive tract and I'm afraid to ask, but nobody seemed to think much of feeding her this, or looked at me like I was eating wrong. So I don't know. I should go lie down in a bit.

"Mom" asked me why I made a beeline for the family computer and what I was doing. I said it was an ongoing homework assignment for English, do a journal every night. I don't know why this didn't occur to me before. Now it won't look weird when I am staying on the computer half the night. Good job, Andy. Now I can try to get a full night's sleep instead of waiting up until I think it's safe to sneak down.

You know, where I come from it's not unusual for every person in a household to have their own computer, even the teens. Which admittedly, seems kind of excessive to describe it in 2002. But laptops are everywhere, and don't get me started on what has happened to phones. That's a whole other post for a whole different time, if I ever eel comfortable... divulging.

I was writing earlier today about what my life was like back in 2002 (sorry, mentally I'm still in my present, your future.) In case you're wondering, 15-year-old Andy is here, I have seen him around school, but I am very careful not to look. Part of it is, it's just too weird. It makes me cringe to see him - I mean, have you ever seen video of yourself being young and stupid? Same feeling. It also fills me with a kind of dread because he's me, but he's not me. I don't knowcwhat he'll do at any moment. If you're not familiar with the phrase Uncanny Valley, go ahead and Google it. Or Ask Jeeves it, since we're in 2002.

As far as I can tell, he hasn't been the victim of any kind of body-hopping shenanigans. It does appear to be me in there, the 15-year-old me, acting independently. I see him goofing off with Matt and Brett. Saying and doing things that, if I don't remember them, definitely seem in character. 

It does make me wonder where Jessa is... if anywhere. I mean, nobody exactly explained to me the rules of time travel. Did she wind up in my body, in the future? Is there still a future?

Or is my persona maybe, like... sitting on top of hers? Is she still... somewhere?

Dude... I gotta go lie down.

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