Wednesday, September 18, 2002


This is so strange to be typing but I was tossing and turning feeling like if I didn't I was going to lose my sanity. I feel like putting it into words might give me some form of control but let's face it, there's no "control" here I'm... caught up in something a lot bigger and freakier than I could ever imagine.

I thought about putting it down on paper - I found a diary and even brought the pencil to the page but I stopped. It wasn't mine to write in, even though it is... kind of. I've never been a 'diary' person anyway. It seems weird to spill all your thoughts and fears (and anxieties) to nothingness.

Oh, but putting them out on the internet is any better?

I don't know. But I thought it was the better option of the two and if I did nothing, it would just eat away at me. So I logged onto the creaky old PC I saw in the "home office" - god, didn't people use passwords? - and signed up for this blog. I chose it because I knew that it would still be around in the future.

I'm not where I'm supposed to be.

My name is Andrew Gillen. I'm 29 years old, I'm from Toronto, and it is December 2016.

At least up until two days ago, that was true.

But if you're reading this... I'm not in Toronto. I'm actually in my hometown of Lakeville, Ontario, 45 minutes west of the city. And it's not 2016...

It's 2002.

I've gone back in time.

The last thing I remember is, I was walking home to my apartment from my company Christmas party. I was maybe not paying attention to where I was going, maybe I wandered into an intersection and got hit by a car or something. Maybe I had a stroke. It was like I got spun around and knocked on my ass and when I sat up, the lights were on and it was the middle of the day and I was here. I told myself all day that this was just some crazy ass dream but it's way too real, I can't deny it. The faces are too clearly people I remember. The sights and sounds and smells. Very detailed, very familiar.

I'm in high school again guys.

And... I'm not me.

I'm someone named Jessa Gilbert.

Same age. Same school. Hell, she's only a few letters off from me in the alphabet, which is maybe significant or maybe not. But I've never heard of this person. I don't remember her at all. I don't know anything about her life. But I've been living it for two days now.

I'm a frigging... girl. A teenage girl. In the 2000's.


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